
Rescheduling of classes, as on Nov '09

As we all know that we have been able to appoint a new teacher for our project, Ms Jyoti Kharey. We want her to handle the Freshers batch only. And rest of the volunteers will be taking the other two batches as always. So there is a need to specify the new timing and the concerned people taking the classes.

Ms Jyoti Kharey
Monday to Saturday: 3.30 PM-6.30 PM

Sweta Pandey and Akanksha Singh
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6.30PM-8.30PM

Charu, Darshan
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6.30PM-8.30PM


Sunday: 3PM-5PM

SENIOR BATCH: Linkan, Anant
Saturday: 3PM-5PM

If anybody is interested to initiate we can also start up with the activity classes for the kids of Freshers batch. So please raise your hands for the same.
Also we are planning to meet with the parents of the Fresher's kids because it has been along time since we had interacted with them and secondly we want them to know as well that there has been a change in the timing of the classes and we also want the new teacher to meet the parents. So we will meet the parents around 3PM on the coming Saturday with Ms Jyoti Kharey to get her acquainted with the kids and the parents as well. So whoever is interested to attend the meeting.

We are also encountering an issue: As all the classes of all the batches will be taken up in the new centre, there is no utilization of the old centre and we are giving a huge amount of rent for both the rooms but we are not being able to utilise them to its maximum. Yet at this time, the concern is more towards the utilisation of the old centre. Also because that is the only way community knows us. So we need to rethink how we are going to use that room and what all activities can be done there. So please come with ideas and let us know what can be done.

Charu Garg


"Sunday Perfect"

On the morning of 8th November, she dressed up in her best dress and her mommy gave her a sweet hug to see her off. Little eyes anxiously wondered how the day would unfold, a day they had awaited for long. Some giggled, some fell, some caught, some just ran around; The faces of our tiny angles brightened up the day of all and sundry perfectly.
Nehru Planetarium was perhaps the pinnacle for the kids. The expresions of "wow" made me feel how much little hearts are drive to the stars. Every eye in the dark looked straight up, hooked onto the ceiling. A cluster of little hands held on tight to you. Happy faces sprinkled your face with joy.
The open air made the kids play to the fullest. The children's park visit embraced the kids to surrender to their wildest happiness and thrill. Dolls in the Doll museum served as a good source of learning. The kids got to know every attire and living style :).
All in all, it was a great day, a great experience. I got to learn a lot, in addition to spending time with truly wonderful kids, because of whom every little visit to an otherwise ordinary place was so blissfully exaggerated in its beauty, that it gave the whole picnic team a "mission accomplished" feel!

" Shilpa "

"After picnic of AID-Prayas kids on 8th Nov 2009"