
छू लूं आसमां ....

                                                                    जनवरी 2008 :(प्रयास नोएडा सेण्टर ) 

~ सरजी मैं बताऊ  ?
~ सोना तू रुक जा अभी बेटा ,सूबी ,सज्जाद ,जुलेखा ,साबरीन तुम सब बताओ
~ सर Q  फॉर क्वीन ... क्वीन मतलब रानी ..
सूबी ने जवाब दिया ...
~ सूबी  के अलावा किसी को नहीं पता क्या  ?? हद है एक ही बात  मैं कितनी बार पढ़ाऊंगा तुम सबको ??
~ सरजी अब तो मुझे बताने दो ना .. सोना बोली ..
सोना की नन्ही आँखों की चमक बता रही थी की उसे पता है ..
~ अच्छा बता सोना ? 
~ सर , Q फॉर क्वीन ,क्वीन मतलब रानी ,Q फॉर क्वील्ट ,क्वील्ट  मतलब रजाई .. और हाँ सरजी Q फॉर क्वेर्रल .. क्वेर्रल मतलब झगडना ....
~    कहाँ पढ़ा ये सब ???
~ सरजी आपने जो पाकिट डिक्शनरी दी थी .. उसी से पढ़ा ...

बता दूं की सोना नोयडा की झुग्गी के उन पांच बच्चों में से एक थी जिनको जनवरी से मार्च 2008 के उन तीन महीनों में  जीरो से क्लास 3 या अथवा क्लास 4 तक के लिऎ तैयार करने की जिम्मेवारी ली थी हमने .. ( विस्तार से पढने के लिए पढे "पितृत्व – एक यात्रा" ) ये बच्चे या तो  कूड़ा बीनते थे या कभी स्कूल नहीं  गए पहले ...कुछ गए भी तो सरकारी स्कूल में पत्थर चुनने में लगा दियी जाते थे ... 

मई  2011 : (प्रयास नोएडा सेण्टर ) 

~ सरजी ,आप बोलते थे ना की केवल अच्छे स्कूल में एडमिशन होने से कुछ नहीं होता ,जब तक की पांचवी पास न हो जाए सब बेकार है ...
~ हाँ तो ...
~ सरजी देखो अब मैंने पांचवी भी पास कर लिया और मेरा ओम फाउंडेशन में एडमिशन भी हो गया ..अब देखना मैं आपका नाम जरुर ऊँचा करूंगी ..
मन ही मन मैं खुश था ये सुनकर मगर एक अच्छे कोच की तरह अपने शिष्य को हमेशा धरातल पे रखने के एवज से बोला ..
~ देख सोना .. अच्छी बात है की तूझे एडमिशन मिल गया है .. पर असली पढाई तो अब है .. जब तक क्लास दसवी नहीं पास करती तब तक सब बेकार है ...
~ सरजी ..ये गलत बात है ..आप हर बार बढाते जाते हो ..दसवी पास जब हो जाउंगी तो बोलोगे ये बेकार है जब तक की बारहवी नहीं होती ... थोड़े उदासी व थोड़े गुस्से में बोली वो ..
~ बेटा ,जिन्दगी में हमारे लक्ष्य स्थिर नहीं होते ,समय के साथ वो भी बदलते हैं ...
कुछ ख़ास समझ नहीं आया उसे ,फिर भी वो शांत होकर बैठ गयी अपनी जगह पे ..

अगस्त 2012 :( बेगू सराय जिला बिहार )

~ क्या उम्र है तेरी ?
~ 14 साल ,पुलिस इन्स्पेक्टर की आँखों में आँखे डाल के बोली वो ..
झूठ बोलती है ये .. अठठारह बरस की है ये .. उसकी माँ बेगुसराय थाने के उस इन्स्पेक्टर को बोलने लगी ..
~ सर मम्मी झूठ बोलती है ताकि मेरी शादी रहमान भाईजान से करवां सके ...
~ चुप कर तू  ,चार अक्षर क्या पढ लिए चली बकवास करने ... 
~मोह्फीज ... तेरा ट्रेक रिकार्ड सब है मेरे थाने में .. कितने मर्डर के केस है तेरे खिलाफ सब जानता हूँ मैं ,इंस्पेक्टर बोला ...
~ साब लौण्डिया झूठ बोलती है .. मेरी भांजी है मुझे पता है अठठारह बरस की है य
~ लडकी को देख के पता चल रहा है की पंद्रह से ऊपर नहीं है ..और तुमने इसकी जबरदस्ती शादी करने की कोशिश की तो मैं "मोह्फीज  तुझे और तेरी   बहिन यानि इसकी  माँ दोनों को अन्दर  करूँगा लम्बे के लिए " ...
बताऊँ कि   हमारी एक  साहसी सहयोगी  की  गहरी कोशिश के तहत ( बेगू सराय के एसडीएम् , थानेदार से लेकर   डीएम तक फोन खड्कानॆ के बाद ही पुलिस पहुँची  थी सोना के गाँव ) ..

सितम्बर 2012 : ( इन्फोसिस चंडीगड़ )

~ हैलो , जी मैं दर्शन बोल रहा हूँ ,सोना से बात करवा दीजिये ..
~ अरे सर मैं सोना का मामा "मोह्फीज " बोल रहा हूँ ..आपका नाम सूना है ..
~ देखिये हम लोग पिछले 5-6 साल से बच्चों पर इसलिए मेहनत कर रहे थे ताकि एक दिन ये बच्चे अपने पैरों पर खडे हो सकें ..
~ सर आप फिकर न करिए ..हम सोना को यहीं बिहार में पढ़ाएंगे ... लीजिये सोना से बात करिए ..
~ कैसी है बेटा ... ?
~ सर मैं ठीक हूँ ,आप कैसे हैं ,सब लोग कैसे हैं प्रयास में ? 
~ सब ठीक हैं बेटा , कब आयेगी नोएडा ? 
~ सर मामा यहीं पढने का इतंजाम कर देंगे .... 

अक्टूबर 2012 : (प्रयास नोएडा सेण्टर ) 

~ तू तो फोन पर कह रही थी की तू वहीं पढेगी ?
~ सरजी मेरी गर्दन पर चक्कू रख दिया था ,तो मैं क्या कहती ?
~ तो तुझे मारा भी ??
~ सरजी मुझे खूब मारते थे ..मेरी पसलियाँ ऐसे आवाज करती हैं जैसे टूट गयीं हों .. बहुत दर्द रहता है सर .. और वो रोने लगी ...
~ फिर वापस कैसे आ गयी तू ?
~ पापा और मम्मी की लड़ाई हो गयी एक दिन और पापा मुझे और छोटी भाई को लेकर आ गए ...
~ पढेगी आगे या नहीं ??
~~ क्यों नहीं पढूंगी सर ..जरूर पढूंगी ..मगर स्कूल वाले दुबारा लेंगे मुझे या नहीं पता नहीं ..
~ हम करते हैं बात स्कूल में ...

नवम्बर 2012 : ( स्कूल )

 सोना के पापा को उसके भाई के स्कूल वालों ने दूबारा एडमिशन के लिए मना कर दिया था .. बोला की आप चार महीने बाद फिर गाँव चले जाओगे ..और फिर उसके चार महीने बाद लौटोगे ..हम कितनी बार एडमिशन करेंगे ...
उसके पापा भी केवल इसलिए स्कूल में बात करने गए क्योंकी हम उनको बार-2 समझा रहे थे ,हर किस्म की मदद कर रहे थे ... स्कूल वालों के बर्ताव से परेशान होकर उसके पापा ने ये शर्त रख दी की "सोना भी तब ही स्कूल जायेगी जब उसका भाई स्कूल जाएगा " ...
अगले दिन ...स्कूल प्रिंसिपल के आफिस में 

~ मैडम में आई  कम इन ??
~ यस कम इन प्लीज ...
~ मैडम मुझे अपने भाई के एडमिशन के लिये बात करनी है ..
~ बेटा आपके पापा को कल बता तो दिया था की "एडमिशन नहीं हो सकता "
~ मैडम ,एक बार मेरी बात सुन  लीजिये प्लीज ..
~ अच्छा बोलो ...
~ मैडम ,पापा  मुझे भी स्कूल नहीं जाने देंगे अगर भाई स्कूल नहीं गया तो .. 
~ बेटा तुम तो अच्छी स्टूडेंट थी मगर तुम्हारे भाई के लक्षण अच्छे नहीं हैं ..
~ मैडम लेकिन अगर आपने मेरे भाई को एडमिशन नहीं दिया तो ,पापा मुझे भी स्कूल नहीं जाने देंगे और मेरा "कैरियर " ख़त्म हो जाएगा ..मम्मी एक-दो साल मेरी शादी कर देगी ... मैडम प्लीज मेरी मदद कीजिये ना ,प्लीज ..
~ ठीक है अच्छा ,तुम्हारे भविष्य को संवारने की कोशिश के तहत तुम्हारे भाई को आख़िरी मौक़ा दे देते हैं ...
~ थैंक यूं सो मच मैडम ... 

ये वही स्कूल है जहां मार्च 2008 में सोना चार अन्य बच्चों के साथ अपने एडमिशन के लिए टेस्ट देने गयी थी ..हाल इतने खराब थे की सब लोगों की  रोनी हालत थी ... बहुत जिद के बाद स्कूल ने सोना और सूबी को क्लास थर्ड और बाकी तीन बच्चों को क्लास सेकंड में ले लिया .. और चार साल बाद आज सोना सेवेंथ क्लास में फिर से स्कूल जाने लगी है,इतना कुछ सहने के बावजूद उसके हौंसले बुलंद हैं ..और जिस लिहाज से उसने  प्रिसिपल मैडम को अपनी बात रखी वो सच में "परिवर्तन की बयार है , शिक्षा की बयार है ,और छोटी सी सोना के  बुलंद हौंसलों की बयार है "...

PS: अगर आप सोना जैसी अन्य बच्चों की मदद करना चाहें तो  
mail us :- info@aidnoida.org     ...


Story of a Neighborhood Revolution!


In sector 16 J. J colony slum area Noida, a revolution has been silently brewing from past seven years. It is volunteers of Association of India’s Development, Noida chapter working tirelessly, mostly unnoticed, with a supernatural zeal, who have ignited the community dwellers to educate every child. From the scenario back in 2005 where volunteers had to request people to send their children to their informal education setup, to the situation where classrooms are overflowing with children , AID-Noida has indeed come a long way!
Finally volunteers have taken firm final step towards a bright future- Opening Prayas Vidyalaya.

Proximal association of AID-Noida volunteers with Nai Disha (free school which provides quality education) and massive support from the community itself, has fueled the establishment of ,one of its kind, formal education setup Prayas Vidyalaya". This model incubates the philosophy of self sustainable school, with low cost, which provides quality education to one and all. A minimal fees for students has been introduced for the first time to bear administrative costs and ensure more accountability and greater involvement by the community. So here is the coverage of the entire journey...

Formed in 2005, AID-Noida popularly known as “Prayas” amongst community inhabitants, is a volunteer based social development organization committed towards the cause of providing accessibility and availability of quality education to marginalized children with special focus on urban slum population. The project is currently focused on a slum community in Sector-16, J.J colony, Noida. This is a heavily populated community with a population of around 5000-10000 people. Illiteracy, drop-outs and health related issues are rampant in this community. Most of the inhabitants of the community are migrant workers from states like Bihar, and remote villages of Uttar Pradesh.

 When you visit the community, the dingy entrance makes one wonder about the magnitude of revolution, that can be brought about. But when I saw around ten fifteen children rushing to greet and passerby people saying a Salaam to the volunteers, I begin realizing what impact volunteers have made on the lives of people here. I conducted some interviews before the inaguration.When I entered two room setup,what struck instantly, was colorful walls, and paintings. There were three computers placed on one corner. A writing board in one room, and two in other room. Two bulletin boards displaying latest news, creations by children, and some other information. And then children began pouring in. Impeccably clean and enormously confident, they shook hands and sat down quietly. Senior children were monitoring younger ones. We got to know that its the parents teachers meeting day at AID-Noida. Classroom was full of parents. There were mothers who cooked at some kothis , stitched in some factory, or were plain housewives. Fathers were mostly rickshaw pullers or temporary labors, tailors-masters , carpenters etc. They panicked when told about some mischief of their ward, felt proud when an accomplishment was announced, and promised to be vigilant about their ward’s performance.
Several volunteers like Darshan, Nakul, Anand, Raj, Charu, Linkan, Anant and Soumitro were present. After all parents have left, Darshan, one of the veteran volunteer began talking “I remember those difficult days when these children abused each other, picked rags, and were scared to come close. Even we struggled with lack of clarity of purpose. Our intent was good, but there was no vision. Finally studying the model of AID-Chennai closely, and interacting with other fellow AIDers, we came to a decision of developing a self sustainable model of education. A system which imparted quality education. We appreciate the amount of efforts government is putting to structure the education system in our country. It was a proud moment when Right to Education was passed in the country. But on grass root level we feel that mid day meal might not be an attraction enough for a child to attend school regularly and understand the value of education. The motivation has to come from within. Now that the community understands the value of quality education, we have decided to open our  unique Prayas Vidyalaya“ Charu, one of the youngest volunteers chirped in “ We have been mentoring children and parents for many years now. We take care of their education, ensure that they attend regular school, irrespective of the fact that it is any government school, or any local school. We have formed close relation with other formal education setups in the city like Nayi Disha, and Om Foundation. We also got a chance to collaborate with social science undergrads of National University Singapore. They visit us every year for a two week project. So the only next step could be "Prayas Vidyalaya

Meanwhile, children were also brimming to spill their stories. At the opportunity to speak, Jaanbaaz tells “Hi, My name is Jaanbaaz, I am 13 years old.” His command over English was startling. “didi and bhaiyya here have infused the enthusiasm to learn, and have taught us the importance of education. When I told about my zeal to play cricket Nakul bhaiyya ensured that I get a coached by one of the finest cricket coaches in Noida. Today, I own a personal cricket kit, and attend the cricket coaching every weekend, in Noida stadium. ” Sona excited at the opportunity to speak, stifled a giggle and said “We are eleven siblings. My eldest sister got married without proper education. When didi and bhaiyya came to our community, nobody in my family had the slightest idea that I , being a girl, would be the most literate member of the family. My younger brother Aaftaab is also enrolled in the setup. “ Zainab another student, who was sitting with her two younger siblings shyly spoke “Sajjad, myself, shaabaaz, and roshnee are enrolled here. I attend Nai – Disha school. Three years back teachers at Nai – Disha used to say that students from AID-Noida are the most untidy students, and are not good in studies. I also flunked in some subjects, initially. But over the years, I have studied hard and with proper guidance from didi and bhaiyya, I am now amongst the top performers of my class. And AID-Noida students are no longer tagged as most untidy students in Nai-Disha, because didi and bhaiyya have scolded us many times, to stay clean, cut nails, and wear washed clothes.” Children like Soobi, Gulaabi, also had such stories to share.

One of the old volunteers Anand gupta reminiscenced “ At the time when our set up was in an embryonic stage, we had a dearth of female students and female volunteers. Parents in the community were edgy about sending their daughters to our setup, and female volunteers were hesitant in entering the community without an escort. Of course we don’t face similar hurdles today. We have built a trust amongst community dwellers. The only reason is we have persevered and shown them changes. “ On demand by women in the community, AID –Noida started female literacy classes last year. Linkan, the current project co-ordinator told us “Women in the community realized that being illiterate was a huge disadvantage. They wanted to rise above the level of ubiquitous thumb. Many felt that their literate children had stopped respecting them. They requested me to accommodate them in our setup and teach them basic reading , writing and math. I was more than happy to take this responsibility. When we began women literacy classes, children were extremely excited to see their mothers learning. I feel that we have come a full circle. Educated women, and educated families, and now with our own Prayas Vidyalaya in place we will have an educated community “

Talking of current times, newly opened Prayas Vidyalaya, is a self sustainable school within the community, which would be supported by the community members. Prayas Vidyalaya administrative committee consists of three AID-Noida volunteers, two volunteers from Nai Disha :- Commodore Gurnam Singh, and Commander Keval Krishnan , one teaching staff, three community members. Presently the school has a staff of 3 teachers, with Mrs Jyoti Khare, as the principal.One of the staff members Miss Kavita is a graduate and a resident from the community. The principal Mrs Jyoti Khare has been working with AID-Noida 1.5 years now. Third staff member Mr Ashok has a rich experience of working with another organization with similar agenda as AID-Noida’s.
Volunteers feel that community at large has been extremely supportive of their methods and interventions, and are sure of the support of the community for this step. Anant, a veteran volunteer comments “ Of course we know there are several neighborhood government schools. But our intent is focus on quality education, and a system where everybody is accountable for its execution. Unless parents are not willing, their children cannot be educated. And in our new setup, we will ensure a minimum administrative cost, and maximum quality. Initial plan is to get accreditation from NIOS, and encourage a huge participation from within the community”. Anand Gupta supports this “ It could be that the school might not survive after a few years, but the wave of awareness in community, will make parents careful about their wards future. If parents are motivated, they can ensure that their child gets quality education from any neighborhood government school. We have nothing to loose here. ”

Now I did some quick research on the current scenario of education in the city. Following are results:-

Fees in primary classes of top tier schools :- Ranges from 20,000 INR— 90,000 INR annually.
Fees in primary classes of tier two schools :- Ranges from 10,000 INR — 18,000 INR annually.
Fees in primary classes of govt schools :- 0 INR + Free Mid Day meal.
Fees for children in Prayas Vidyalaya :- Ranges from 600 INR — 2400 INR annually.
Approx income of a family in community :- Ranges from 72,000 INR—1,50,000 INR annually
Avg no of family members in a family :- Min 6 , Max 11 for AID-Noida community

As we are already aware that community dwellers in sec 16 area, belong to extremely humble backgrounds. Some are rickshaw pullers, some work at construction sites, some at the garages etc. And if we are not like our extremely optimistic central government , which assumes an individual can survive on 22 INR a day, we know that how difficult it is for any family in the community to provide education to its children. One might argue the indispensability of government schools in such humble conditions. AID-Noida has conducted surveys in the local government schools to gauge the growth of a student. Numerous issues have been identified with the quality of education imparted in government schools. Volunteers have tried to collaborate with the local government school to work on the quality, several times in past, with little or no encouragement by the school authorities.It has been found that irregularity of teachers, and lack of interest shown by parents in several cases has led to de-motivation of a student. All this boils down to non- substantial growth of a child, many a times resulting into a drop-out.

Volunteers have worked in a frenzy, for six months to realize the dream of Prayas Vidyalaya. Atul Sharma took care of logistics of the school, Vikas Singhal worked on presentation and promotion of this conceptual school, Charu took care of all functions on the inauguration day, Soumitro ensured all enrollments were complete, Nakul managed the final event, Anant worked on corporate sponsorship, Linkan and Anand collaborated and worked on personal relations with Nai Disha, and Darshan visited Noida from Chandigarh every weekend to oversee the entire process. Newbies like Astha, Avirishu and many others took care of the non-formal classes and annual admission process of students in Nai Disha.

When you encounter youth with purpose, you know a storm is in the making. All volunteers in AID-Noida are working professionals belonging to age group 20-35 years. Youngsters who should be going on shopping sprees, hanging out with friends or spending weekends with spouses, come and spend their Saturday and Sunday afternoons in a shabby community. And they have made a substantial change. Mufti sahib a member of the community says “ These youngsters are like our own children. They care more for our children than us. We wish them all possible happiness in one lifetime. I am not sure about my kids, but these youngsters are definitely the promising future of the country” .

I wish volunteers at AID-Noida, the best. Challenges are many, and the fear of failure looms large.They sure will encounter several hurdles, but I know they will steer clear , as they have done several times in past!

Anvita Shukla


When we celebrated 26th January, with the community

Almost one year back when I visited Naya baas centre for the very first time I thought what is the source of inspiration and why these volunteers are working so hard for this community, there must be some reason behind it. One year down the line when I got closely associated with the system I got both replies which I will share with the last word of this article.But let me first narrate about 26th January at Naya Bans (J,J.Colony Noida Sector-16)
Whenever we think about republic day , what comes to our mind are our moral rights and duties. Every individual must have their own way to fulfill those duties and expectation for rights. Like wise volunteers at Aid-Noida have their own way. May be hoisting flag and distributing sweet could have been one way.But somewhere when we observe J.J.Colony (one where we have our setup) ,we strongly feel a lot is yet to be done before claiming we have performed our duties.
It was a cool breeze blowing in a winter afternoon as temperature was some where close to 15-16 Degree Celsius. The day when everyone from inside feels a sense of proudness being Indian. From last 15 days this kids were practicing hard to give their best and certainly the volunteers' efforts to make sure kids give their best was also appreciable. But will they perform their 100% on the given day was bothering me.
As per the prior schedule disclosed the program was about to start by 1pm. When I visited the centre the kids were dressing up, many volunteers were giving 100% to make sure the kids appear to have done their home work. When I looked at my watch it was 11:30am. For a moment I thought the program might get delayed. In just half an hour I was surprised to see almost all kids were ready with tri-color ribbons in their hand and few of them wearing a tri-color cap.
Last time though I was in this event but my physical presence was not there, so I wanted to feel and sense each seconds of this day. The schedule was in my hand. Dance, Song, Drama, Poem Recitation, Prizes distribution and so many things.
Like every year this was the day wherein we enroll all those kids who had never been to school or nor were a part of Prayas. Thanks to the folks of Opera Solutions who took this activity under Achal's team and there were almost 75+ new names which were registered on that day.

वह खून कहो किस मतलब का ,
जिसमे उबाल का नाम नहीं
वह खून कहो किस मतलब का ,
आ सके देश का काम नहीं

When Avirishu sang these few lines, it brought the patriotic environment around. The program started with The National Song Vande-Ma-Taram which was very well sung by Subi and her team of 12 members. WIth this opening song one who were present over their on that day must have sense beginning of the program. There are few names which don't require much introduction and one such name for this community is our own Darshan Mehra, in his entire speech he made the parents and everyone aware if you can't educate your children you dont have right to bring them into this world. For his speech If I have to pen down I would say I am now short of words.Sakib one of the student of Prayas had presented his words in a wonderful manner. Like every year , all those students who had performed very well in academics, were awarded prizes which were given by Anand Gupta and Linkan was the one who had taken all care for this section. We have also awarded the best Student Award which went to Jainab (for her behaviour & work appreciated by parents, Teachers, Volunteers. She has also initiated for teaching Hindi & English to Masjid kids). The other academics winner was (Jainab -1st Position in Class), (Ashmina -1st poistion in class) ,(Shahid- Best student in his school), (Gulabi - 1st poistion in class) , (Samaira - Winner of lots of school competitions) while best behaviour award went to Subi.
While kids were waiting for cultural program to start , we heard the special mention to Sasken & Opera Solution (companies sponspor the event)
I am very sure every one who had witnesssed the cultural program can sense the amount of home work they have done. There was 4 group dance and each of this dance was choreograph by Apoorva (Daugther of our senior teacher Jyoti mam) whose hard work had paid off with the way Senior boy has performed Kandho se kadhe milte hain which I am sure have charged many of us the feeling of patriotism .Jyoti Mam had prepared two songs and they were well sung by kids. Drama/Play are the best way to communicate the meaning to the audience , it was wonderfully done by both of them. Specially Jungle book the one Anvita Sukhla has prepared and directed by Gulabi and Raja was the centre of attraction. Even the Sarpanch Drama which was well prepared by Shivam, Astha, Samya, Prerna was well communicated, but certainly the frequent problem of audio system distracted the kids at times. Two cute and composed poems was recited by kids and was excellently performed by very small kids on the stage.
Whatever one does, is only understood when someone acknowledge to it. The parents speech made everyone among the audience to feel what this Prayas meant to this community, and how over a period of time things have changed in this community where now 96 kids from this community have joined with mainstream education as on date .Rahul from Opera felt connected and in his short speech said us to have a future long term support with Prayas
The whole event was well planned in the presence of Nai Disha Management (Jeeta Ram Sir ,Keval Krishan ji & Commodore Gurpal Sir ) and words from them were more than blessing for all of us and certainly a source of inspiration.Anand Gupta presented the financial expenses details . There was a few lines for the kids by our one time active volunteer Sughanda Jha.All volunteers where shocked when the senior girls invited all volunteer to present a beautiful hand made care, which came as a surprise to all volunteer and may be they felt that only education is not what they have imparted on this kids.The efforts from all volunteers ( Nakul, Charu, Raj, Anant , Ashok, Anvita) and many more were highly appreciable. Because its the effort of everyone which made the event very well organised and successful
While the results for various cultural event was getting prepared , all audience were shocked to see small kids perform the special surprise of the evening Chaak Dhoom Dhoom. Finally with the cultural event prizes brought satisfaction and smile on kids face .While there was sweet distribution at our centre before that we closed the program on time with national anthem Jana-Ga-mana.
With the ending when kids where in hurry to collect sweet from our centre inside basti,while going back to centre I realized there can't be anything more than success and happiness of this kids which is certainly the source of inspiration of all volunteers to work hard and the and the reason was also clear when I saw a another kids with nearly dirty dress and with abusing language in his communication I said myself there is still a lot to do before making this system a self sustainable one, with a hope next year we will be able to bring more and more story in-front of all of you
Jai Hind

Soumitro Chatterjee


About NUSHA , ROCKERs and AID-Noida bonding

At AID-Noida our aim is not only to raise our children’s knowledge bar and make them ‘literate’ but also strive to give them enough exposure to see world differently.

As we volunteers always believe that the learning is mutual, and we learn more than what these children learn from us. A similar kind of feeling was expressed by a group of volunteers who came from Singapore and belonged to the University of Singapore.

An idea that was sown in 2010 and the credit cannot be given to anyone in particular. A volunteer from Nayi Disha- a school which happens to be a huge supporter of our initiative came to AID-Noida community center, with an idea to call people from NUS to India and specifically to AID-Noida community, as a part of their project of social work. A lot of brainstorming was done on how our community will react to this and what is their agenda to come here and so on and so forth. Talking to our students in Nayi Disha we realized that these people have already visited Nayi Disha in 2009 and was a great experience for them.
We then were convinced on this project and that’s how a strong relationship was formed between AID-Noida and Rockers-as they call themselves. A relationship which is just 2 years old yet is very strong and we know that no matter what happens, the rockers will always be remembered by our children.
We were bit apprehensive on how will they adjust to a community like this, but to our surprise, they gelled well. The way we embrace our children and love them, they did the same.
When the NUS group was leaving from India in 2010, I thought they won’t come back as they go to a country only once. But when in August 2011, Zawiah and Seha the prime movers for 2011 and ex-volunteers from 2010 batch approached again, I felt proud that our kids managed to bring them back, their love was that magnetic.
We all were looking forward to their project. This time there were girls as young as 18 years. They were an inspiration. They looked a bit scared and nervous at first. Their project started from 4th December till 17th December. Rockers always surprise and inspire us with the amount of homework they do before their trip. The kind of specific questions they have, amazed us. This time apart from children education, the attraction was their mini renovation which included graffiti and library. After that got completed, our classes looked much more vibrant and lively. There idea of teaching children is always unique and play way. They taught our kids dancing and singing. One of the most touching part this time was that they brought messages from children from Singapore for these children. Our kids did the same for them.

On the last day as always, there was huge flow of emotions. Kids didn’t want them to go and the Rockers didn’t want to leave themselves. They sung a song which really touched us all and the meaning of which was clearly understood by the children. The song was ‘you can count on me’- a wonderful song, which resulted in tears flowing from all the children, the AID-Noida volunteers and rockers.
The last day is always so emotional that the parents from the community come outside the class to see what has happened.
If I have to sum up the impact of the project, I can just say that it was an enriching experience for us, for them and for our children. The children came across a different culture, different people and different language. They enjoyed spending time with each other. Those 15 days were the unforgettable moments for Prayas and we witness a huge amount of positive energy amongst everybody. The way they love our children, help them learn things, learn from them and leave with tears in their eyes, makes me proud and happy that we have build strong relationships across borders.
We hope to see them next years as well with new set of students; new energy and new ideas but the love will be the same from both the ends.

Charu Garg